
At Laevitas Api GateWay v1.0, we implement certain limitations to ensure fair usage, maintain the performance, and protect our services. This page provides details on the different types of limitations and how to handle them in your applications.

Rate Limiting

Rate limiting restricts the number of API calls a user can make within a specific time frame.

Rate Limits

  • All Users: 240 requests per 60 seconds.

Handling Rate Limits

  1. Implement Retries: If you hit a rate limit, consider implementing a retry mechanism with exponential backoff.

  2. Spread Out Requests: If possible, spread out your requests to avoid hitting the rate limit in short bursts.

Exceeding Rate Limits

If you exceed the rate limits, the API will return a 429 Too Many Requests response. It's crucial to handle this response in your application and implement a wait or retry mechanism.

Historical Data Limitation

For historical data, we have a pagination system in place. Each page has a limitation on the number of items it can display.

  • Limit: 144 items per page.

To access more historical data, you'll need to navigate through the pagination system, ensuring you don't exceed the item limit per page.


If you have questions about our limitations or need assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated